Since you can freely return to the Asylum whenever you want to through this method, I do not think any item is "missable". If you crawl into a ball and wait about 30 seconds, the Crow will pick you up and bring you back to the Undead Asylum." Step in to it and you will get a prompt to 'Curl Into a Ball'. From there climb up the stairs all the way to the top where you will find the Snuggly the Crow's nest. Roll towards that broken column and land on it, then go across the beam. Follow the path to the right, on top of a little green patch, then look down and you will see a broken column. Get on the elevator from Firelink Shrine and, as the elevator starts moving up, you must move forward and drop on top of the area where you exit/enter the elevator at the bottom. "To do so, you must have access to the elevator that goes down to Firelink Shrine from the Undead Parish. You can also use this written guide on how to return to the area (courtesy of the Dark Souls Wiki): This video shows you how to get back to the Asylum. This key is found in the Firelink shrine on a roof near the area you must navigate to return to the Undead Asylum. To get it, you must unlock that door using the Undead Asylum F2 West Key. This ring is pretty useful as it eliminates the movement penalty from moving around in water, or the swamp in Blighttown. And I hope you're able to take something good away from what you hear.I think you're talking about the Rusted Iron Ring? It has evolved into something much more complex. Nothing to fear is not the spooky episode I had in mind. We round out the show by talking about the fear of losing people we love. Item Description 'This iron ring was used to shackle the guilty.It is terribly rusted, and faintly stained with blood. And then we chat about the fear of following ( or not following ) our dreams. Rusted Iron Ring is a Ring in Dark Souls and Dark Souls Remastered. There is also the fear of failure which has held me back at various times in my own life. I give several examples from my own life. A huge fear that many people have is the fear of not being accepted. This gets us into the topic and we delve into 4 types of fear. We begin the show by talking about my fear of the dark. The timing did not work out, so it has become an episode about the various types of fear. The idea was to have a few guests to talk about scary movies. Nothing to Fear was originally going to be a spooky Hallowe'en episode. Someone's nothing to fear is another person's greatest fear. Various levels and intensities as we are all unique with a wide variety of experiences and tolerances.