Elder scrolls amulet of kings
Elder scrolls amulet of kings

elder scrolls amulet of kings

The blood was fused with a red crystal, and retrieved by the Daedra-worshipping Ayleids. When Akatosh and Trinimac slew Lorkhan and flung his heart across Tamriel, a droplet of blood fell as it flew over Cyrod, and landed in an Ayleid Well. It also played a major role during the events of The Elder Scrolls Online where it was used in an unsuccessful ritual to make Emperor Varen Aquilarious Dragonborn and later to imbue the Vestige with extreme powers to defeat Molag Bal. With it, he invoked the avatar of Akatosh and battled Mehrunes Dagon at the Temple of the One, destroying the amulet in the process and sealing the bridge between Oblivion and Mundus forever. In The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, it is a central item during the Oblivion Crisis, where the Hero of Kvatch delivered the amulet to Martin Septim, the last heir of the late Emperor Uriel Septim VII. Other theories report that the amulet is, in fact, a Soul Gem of Ayleid origin. Others believe that Akatosh formed the gem from his blood and gave it to Saint Alessia as a token of his willingness to keep mortals safe from the wrath of Daedric Princes. Many theories exist as to its origin, the most commonly believed being that it is a crystalized drop of Lorkhan's blood following his defeat at the hands of Akatosh and Trinimac. Only blood-relatives of Alessia can wear the amulet, otherwise it slips off the neck. The symbol of the Empire of Tamriel, the Red Diamond (Chim-El Adabal), stemmed from the amulet and became the royal seal of the Septim Dynasty much later.

elder scrolls amulet of kings

The Amulet of Kings, also called the Amulet of Kings of Glory, was an amulet worn by Cyrodilic Emperors with the blood of a Dragonborn.

elder scrolls amulet of kings

So long as you and your descendants shall wear the Amulet of Kings, then shall this dragonfire burn―an eternal flame―as a sign to all men and gods of our faithfulness." ― Akatosh "This shall also be a token to you of our joined blood and pledged faith.

Elder scrolls amulet of kings